Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra
Wednesday 20 April, 名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団 Salon Concert サロンコンサート Performing: Koichi SAKATA, Bass When: Wed. 20 Apr. (18:30) Where: Nagoya City...

Matsudaira Spring Festival, Toyota.
Saturday 16th April - Matsudaira Spring Festival, Toyota. (From 5:30, fireworks from 7PM) #Festival #Temple #ToyotaCity

Koshoji (Yagotoyama) Street Fair
Street Fair: held on the 5th and 13th day of every month. #Temple #Festival #Streetfair #KoshojiTemple #Nagoya

Takayama Spring Festival April 14 & 15
The Spring Festival is an annual festival of the Hie Jinja Shrine which was originally built in 1141. The people who live in the southern...