Miyoshi-ike Festival @ Miyoshi Pond, Miyoshi City, Aichi.
Saturday 7th August, 2016 Venue: Miyoshi Pond During this festival held in appreciation of the blessings of the Kiso River, seven boats...
Creator's Market Vol. 36 @Port Messe
Saturday 18th ~Sunday 19th June 今回も、約2,000ブースのクリエーターたちが名古屋に大集結。 個性的なアイテムが揃います。 企画は、「Let's start your art life!」として、ファブリックパネルアートをワンプライス...
JSF Destroyer "Ise"-Open House
Sunday 19th June, 平成28年6月19日(日) 1000時~1200時 1300時~1600時 三重県四日市市・四日市港 霞埠頭24号 http://www.mod.go.jp/pco/mie/know/images/28.0...
Kumamoto earthquake disaster relief concert. From Moriyama - With Love.
私たちは、名古屋の守山から 被災地の皆さまに応援する心を届けます。 守山文化小劇場では、 有志によるステージを企画いたしました。 ●入場無料(定員400名) ●開場:13:30 ●会場にて義援金を募ります。 ●出演 能勢健司(バリトン) ...
Tebasaki Summit
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June June 4, 2016 (Saturday) to 5 (Sunday) for two days (※ rain or shine) (Saturday) opening ceremony ...
Atsuta Shrine Festival
Sunday 5th June The Astuta festival is the biggest festival of the Astuta Jingu Shrine which is known for its festivities since more than...
Arimatsu Tie-Dying Festival
Saturday 4th ~ Sunday 5th June (1st Sat and Sun of June/annual) 9:00-17:00 Tie-dyeing demonstration, sales, etc... Tie-Dyeing Museum...
Nagoya University Festival @ Higashiyama Campus
Thursday 2nd June ~ Sunday 5th June theme What you're doing and what you want to do, our mind will be dynamic. "So far, not a good as...
Wakamiya Festival - Sakae, Nagoya
15-16th May- This festival is held at Wakamiya Hachimansha Shrine, Sochinju (a general village shrine) in Nagoya as a big annual...
Deathmetal Gig Vol. 20- Tight Rope
Saturday 30th April - 2:00PM NECROPHILE (Tokyo) NECRONOMICON (Fukuoka) RIVERGE (Osaka) BAKEDBOMB (Hiroshima) OGRE (Tokyo) HATEBEYOND...