TGIF with Tokai Japan Canada Society (TJCS) - At Coat Of Arms Pub

Friday 29th April -TJCSは隔月最終金曜日の夜、会員の皆さんをはじめとし、東海地区のカナダファンが集まり交流を深める定例会を行っています。 会員ではなくても、予約なしでも、気軽に参加できるこの交流会で、久しぶりに会う友、新しく出会う友、いつもおなじみの友と、カナダ旅行、留学、ホッケー、ビジネスなど、いろんなカナダ談義で一緒に楽しみましょう! 参加料金は無し。 ご自分でオーダーした分だけご負担下さい。 その他詳しいお問い合わせは、 へご連絡下さい。 The TJCS continues with its tradition of bi-monthly cheer and friendship. Each month (usually the last Friday...BUT NOT ALWAYS), the TJCS settles in at one of Nagoya's fine night spots that cater to the expat community. This is a very casual event with no specific agenda other than to enjoy a few after-work drinks and friendly conversation with like-minded Canucks and friends of Canada residing in Nagoya and the Chubu region. Drop by any time after 7:30 pm! There is no cost for the event itself but participants can order food and drinks from the menu or any Canadian specials that happen to be on offer. All are welcome (non-members too!) and no reservation is required. If you have any questions, please email .